Sunday 28 December 2014

so... I've made a hat :)

I have made my first ever hat :) and I'm so proud of it!! It turned out a bit different from the original idea, but it looks good anyway. I used circular needles for the first time ever and faced challenges along the way, but Mr Internet is so wise ;) Thanks to him, I made it!! Yay!!

 I started off by making a 5 cm wide and 60 stitches long ribbed brim. Then 2 cm of purl and afterwards knit stitch for about 16 cm. Then I started decreasing. Afterwards I used my fabulous POM POM MAKERS that I only recently got from a friend of mine and there it is :)


  1. Love the hat! The pompom finishes it off perfectly ;)

  2. Thank you! Loved making the pompom ;-)
